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Impossible Levels
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Level Information

Creator: Forginer

Points: 200

Verification: (YouTube Video of Verification)

Verified by: Samuel2


Victor 1, Victor 2, Victor 3

Level Information

Creator: JohnDoesus

Points: 250

Verification: (YouTube Video of Verification)

Verified by: Sarah1


Victor 4, Victor 5, Victor 6

Level Information

Creator: Coolman64

Points: 300

Verification: (YouTube Video of Verification)

Verified by: Michael3


Victor 7, Victor 8, Victor 9

Player Stats

Player Information

Completed Levels:

Level 1, Level 2, Level 3

Player Information

Completed Levels:

Level 4, Level 5, Level 6

Player Information

Completed Levels:

Level 7, Level 8, Level 9

Impossible Levels

To compare, "Level 1 by Forginer" sits at #1 in this list.

Level Information

Creator: Unknown

Points: 1000

Level Information

Creator: Unknown

Points: 900

Level Information

Creator: Unknown

Points: 800